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Immigration for Business and Companies

Sponsor’s Licence applications

Any organisation that wishes to employ migrants must have a Sponsor’s Licence issued by the UK Border Agency. We can guide your organisation through the Sponsor’s Licence registration process and assist you to employ migrants.

Tier 2 Skilled Migrants & Intra-Company Transfers (ICTs)

Once you hold a Sponsor’s Licence you can recruit migrants under Tier 2 but you have an ongoing duty to ensure that the detailed requirements of the Immgration Rules are met. We will help you navigate this complex system.

Intra-Company Transfers (ICTs) are available for employees of multinational companies to transfer to a UK branch of their organisation.

Illegal working issues

The UK Border Agency can impose a Civil Penalty of up to £10,000 per worker on any organisation found to be employing migrants without complying with the necessary legal requirements. We have experience of putting forward persuasive and successful arguments to support an objection against a penalty.


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