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Central Leeds Oxford House, Oxford Row, Leeds, LS1 3BE    0113 2432288    info@henryhyams.com

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Dominic Nurse


Graduating in Law from the University of Leeds in 1990, Dominic qualified as a solicitor in 1993 with Cranswick Watson (now Gordons), joining Henry Hyams the same year to undertake a mix of property law, personal injury, crime and general civil litigation. He expanded his practice to include actions against the police, property litigation and probate and Inheritance Act claims, becoming a partner in 1997. 

Law Society Personal Injury Panel; Association of Personal Injury Lawyers; Police Action Lawyers Group. 

Personal Injury

Dominic has over 25 years’ experience of personal injury litigation and has conducted numerous cases from inception through to trial. He undertakes a variety of different claims from simple road traffic accidents though to complex brain injury cases. His present caseload  ranges from road traffic accident claims (‘RTAs’) to claims in the workplace, slips and trips and criminal injuries compensation.

He will accept cases on conditional fee agreements (‘CFA’).

Recent Cases

NM and RE v BPL (2015)

Acting for the Claimants against the owner of the highest building in Leeds following a tragic accident in which a lorry was blown over onto two pedestrians causing a fatality in one and serious multiple injuries for the other. Work included representation of the estate of the deceased at the inquest and bringing a civil claim in damages in public nuisance against the private body owning the building which resulted in damages being paid of several hundred thousand pounds.

AM v AK (2017)

Claimant was a senior nurse hit by a speeding vehicle suffering multiple serious injuries including a traumatic brain injury that impacted upon her career ambitions. The case settled after court proceedings issued in a gross sum of £1.7m

AA v PSL (2014)

Claimant was a doorman who had been stabbed at a base music night suffering serious injuries to the abdomen. Liability revolved around personal protective equipment and at a split trial judgement was entered at 70/30 in favour of the claimant and damages later awarded at £330,000.

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